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A few weeks ago Andrew B notified us of a story
that he came over by chance on the knest about an ex Gloucester city player and I couldn’t understand why that articule hadn’t been posted
On the COF... when I went into the Knest I saw 
Literally 35% of each page with threads started 
by Jon Palmer with different stories(all positive)
Now I’ve just read Alex p Comments so went into the Glos Live website and first looked on “Gloucester news” and the first thing I read is
“C********m MP..” bearing in my mind there is 
a “C********m news” then I saw the report from 
Rob Iles about us which was basically using 
the statement from Alex from the oficial page,it was copy and paste 90% of it,why has this been published and not the blog I ask?

I understand that JP is a C********m fan through and through but surely some of his time
and recourses could be spent on a club that 
has is coming home after 13 years dealing with many obstacles on its way,There’s not a decent story there?
I did think we would be better supported from
Glos Live when we got to this point tbh and have commented on this in the past that we have a great story to tell.
One other thing, The citizen is now no longer 
published in Gloucester,it all goes through Gloucestershire live which is based in Chelt?

Anyway rant over,Have a great day!
"Brand new water park to open near to Gloucestershire"

It's in Leeds.

Alex Petheram

I ignore there calls in truth now, so does everyone in the club. Too many negative stories and untruths .... they say I can comment, but when I do it's paraphrased, never positive and just poor IMHO. Take that copy and paste from my 'programme notes', even the loss figure has been copied incorrectly. With a headline making it out we're going bust.

I've no time for it anymore, so it's partly my fault nothing is written as I don't comment anymore. On the Bath story for example they phoned Colin in the NL to get a story ..... then sent me a note saying their source has confirmed xyz .... why the NL felt the need to comment to a news paper, about sometime not related to them is a whole other question... But people will talk, some will listen, some know the truth, but empty vessels make the most noise, so I tend to ignore it all....

Think this is a dangerous route to go down. Surely we want to be drumming up all the PR possible ahead of the move back to Gloucester? You seem to be very anti press Alex. Whenever anything about a paper or website is mentioned you automatically have a pop saying it can't be true. Surely it is obvious your programme notes were going to be picked up by the press. The story was in the Non League Paper as well on Sunday.

Alex Petheram

Hi Darren

I'm not anti PR or anti Press, I'm anti BS.

I'm not having a pop saying it can't be true.... I was saying.... It is not true. The Non League Paper was wrong to print that. You implied we where getting money with a statement of "At least the PL are giving some money and no doubt we will see some of it".... This statement was made following my programmes notes on this season, sadly your statement was wrong. This whole story was about money, which clubs get EVERY season within the pyramid, for the 2020/21 season, not the 2019/20 season as it was implying .... The whole press story of the £125m into lower leagues was just misleading at very best, but more then likely just poor reporting.

As for Glos Live ... when they make copy and paste mistakes, from what I wrote to what they print, with the loss number in my 'extended programme notes' as an example, then turn the whole story in to a lifeless negative story, how do you expect me to feel... copying and pasting is surly the easiest thing to get right, heck look at my old school work!

Let me give you some other examples:
Then on the day we start the ground, the paper didn't ask to attend or turn up to take photos like the Indy and BBC did, they in fact panic once they see stories elsewhere and wait for it.... this bit is gold...... take the photo you see them use, of skips with an old digger behind it, from the office building windows behind MP ..... without any consent or asking, in fact the first we knew was when it was printed .... I struggle to work with people that want to report / take photos in such a manor.
Then don't show up to interview or take photos of new players we sign when agreed. Or write a whole story on me when a manager leaves without asking me for a single comment .... then when I complain to them having read the most hurtful story ever, say "you have a right to respond, you can do your own version if you want" ... which I declined as I refused to talk about it publicly, respect people too much and didn't want them to benefit from sales .....
Oh and phone the NL for a story ref a ground share first, without even knowing the time scales and then asking me for to comment on there sources .... which was Colin talking to the press - which I find very wrong also, as I don't feel the league have any right to leak this information without Bath or us consenting .... Oh and break the embargo on the Fabien signing ....

I've raised my points in the past and all I get back from them is threats.... threats of how they'll stop reporting at all on us and publish a story that I blocked them access.... etc etc blah blah blah .... I find it oh so boring, so to say I've a press trust issue is 100% correct. This club has had a number of years of being a PR machine and I'm not sure what that achieved .... and that's also not for me. I don't want to self promote or just create stories ... other then on the 01 April that is.....

I feel the fans get very good communication now... in fact, I feel i'm too open at times and talk to much... this will be another example, I write this and I know you'll come back at me with comments... Sometimes it's hard not to feel that some fans will defend everyone else but me or the club. But what can you do... people will write what they want, fans will sadly believe it... which normally means I or the club get criticised.

AP ignore Glos Live for once Neil was right about this paper, even the general news is very biased, always report the bad in Gloucester where it is generally known that there is as many issues in C********m as there is in Gloucester if not more
Personally whilst I don't have any issues with GL, I try to make sure Severn Sport approaches our coverage differently.

Since James came in we have building bridges and we are there for all of the local clubs to help tell the stories needing to be told, especially City.

When we have been to games this season, Kelsey and I have been trusted to do things like the post match interviews for the City social media because Isaac and James know that we aren't in it for ourselves.

Also, I can't wait to commentate from Meadow Park it's got to be said!
(08-04-2020, 10:49 AM)Mr Snrub Wrote: [ -> ]Personally whilst I don't have any issues with GL, I try to make sure Severn Sport approaches our coverage differently.

Since James came in we have building bridges and we are there for all of the local clubs to help tell the stories needing to be told, especially City.

When we have been to games this season, Kelsey and I have been trusted to do things like the post match interviews for the City social media because Isaac and James know that we aren't in it for ourselves.

Also, I can't wait to commentate from Meadow Park it's got to be said!
 I like the way Snrub thinks!
Since I've followed the club it feels like we've always had a bit of a troubled relationship with the press, for whatever reason this may be.

The Citizen/Glos Live have been very hot and cold for years. The season we were flying in the north we seemed to be getting a story every day or every other day from Rob Iles when he joined and/or Jon Palmer. Tim/Mike/Kelsey had very strong relations with those at Glos Live and things were working brilliantly. But with the downturn in sales for papers they had to make cuts and as a result the coverage to us was cut and you could argue it's largely down to us generating less clicks and therefore revenue compared to C********m, Forest Green and Gloucester Rugby. That's why so many stories about us have C********m in the headline. The stories from Glos Live the past couple of weeks have been disappointing to read, and I thought they were better than this as on the sports side of things they have some very good journalists.

BBC Radio Gloucestershire... well we all know they couldn't care less about us, utterly embarrassing sports reporting and I still remember that time at WR at half-time, we were 1-0 up through a Joe Hanks goal, and they announced us as being 2-1 up through "Joe Hanks and Tom Knowles." And that was probably the only time they bothered to read out our score all season.

Severn Sport are probably the ones who give us the best coverage (admittedly I'm going to show bias) but the work they put into non-league football is exceptional. Obviously the relationship was strained there a year or two ago but I'm sure things have improved and they give us a good old chunk at the start of their radio show too. In short they actually do a decent job of giving coverage and getting it out there to football fans in the county.

You'd think Glos Live and BBC Radio Gloucestershire would feel they have an obligation to cover Gloucester City, and obviously getting stories out of them is a positive for us, but they've got to be doing a better job, especially with the move back home. This should be a time for every news outlet in the city to be jumping on board!
(08-04-2020, 10:45 AM)GME Wrote: [ -> ]AP ignore Glos Live for once Neil was right about this paper, even the general news is very biased, always report the bad in Gloucester where it is generally known that there is as many issues in C********m as there is in Gloucester if not more
Definitely.... We have had stories that could have
been printed in the last few months and haven’t been.
I can’t remember the last time fans have been so on board with the board( excuse the pun)and that’s 
because of the communication received,the outsiders will write or copy paste what they want unfortunately.
Hopefully we can have some success and not just be fighting relegation  in the next few 
years and watch Glos Live become more interested in us but by that point they may have a lot of bridges to burn.

(08-04-2020, 10:49 AM)Mr Snrub Wrote: [ -> ]Personally whilst I don't have any issues with GL, I try to make sure Severn Sport approaches our coverage differently.

Since James came in we have building bridges and we are there for all of the local clubs to help tell the stories needing to be told, especially City.

When we have been to games this season, Kelsey and I have been trusted to do things like the post match interviews for the City social media because Isaac and James know that we aren't in it for ourselves.

Also, I can't wait to commentate from Meadow Park it's got to be said!
Looking from the outside in, SS seems to have
brought local clubs in Gloucester closer together,I mean there seems to be a healthy 
competition between all of them with each of
them wanting one another to do well at their respective level because they play in the same City,that’s certainly the vibe I get from social 
media anyway.
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