22-11-2023, 06:04 AM
He is pretty one footed, but what a foot it is!
Sticking around a while yet, thanks to a gift from a generous angel.
(22-11-2023, 01:16 AM)Neil Wrote: Discounting McLure really, more like the Brackley team. Saw someone on Twitter totally underwhelmed by Dom, describing him as one footed. I don't think he realised that this is the sixth tier.Raw stats aren’t everything, but I think I’m right that he scored way more goals for us than any of his other clubs, so maybe SK got more out of him than other managers.
(22-11-2023, 02:15 PM)Neil Wrote: I know he left mid season, but I liked him, but Tre Mitford wasn't starting for Telford most weeks. Is he still there?It seems so, and scoring occasionally. Has been on fringe of Guyana team too though apparently not a regular starter. Great on his day (Hereford, Kings Lynn, Scarborough) and got 9 goals during his shortish stay with us. I still smile thinking of his penalty Vs Peterboro late on which ricocheted off the post and went out for a throw without being touched by any player. Try doing that deliberately!