What Music are you into?

Loads of 50+ skinheads expressing their grief today.

Tiger Roar is always your friend http://www.tigerroar.co.uk/index1.php

Comprehensive City press cutting archive http://www.tigerroar.co.uk/cuttings.php

And some hairy ones as well

I do like Movies Soundtrack Music. The Film 'Dirty Dancing' had a Good Soundtrack Collection. 
 Kenny Loggins made some good soundtrack music. One was 'Danger Zone', for the movie 'Top Gun'. Another one was 'Footloose', for the film with the same name. This is a remix of that song. Find this song quite a good morale booster.


Andrew Adebowale, Hannah, Hoskins, Kirkup, Mainwaring, Tucker, Wollen.

Best ever soundtrack - name the film!


Bloody hell, you've got good eyesight!

Bumping this thread after looking at Charlie's matchday Spotify list. 

Clearly not everyone has the same musical tastes but in terms of playing something a little different on matchdays, can we have something other than EMF? (FoD band with Ian Dench initially from C********m on guitar. ) A couple of suggestions from Gloucester or are Gloucester City related:

The Q - filmed at Meadow Park: https://youtu.be/vIw9Ns2zLhQ? si=pEzE2_8OOVSplz5s

A hit in the former Yugoslavia (true) and is about a former Gloucester venue: https://youtu.be/gYCjWVhWMxE?si=va0CtVfeqFfWfLqF

Can name a few other Gloucester bands that released records including almost made it indie band Apple Mosaic - 'Honey If' and Life Studies - 'Girl on Fire' (played on John Peel), Cultic Heads, The Saxons (60s), Kiss the Blade... can we not play tracks by a few local bands too?

I always liked this by Apple Mosaic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LODLsyKWkY

Tiger Roar is always your friend http://www.tigerroar.co.uk/index1.php

Comprehensive City press cutting archive http://www.tigerroar.co.uk/cuttings.php

Ian Dench was also in Apple Mosaic along with a bunch of other Old Cryptonians. I used to share a practice room with them back in the day above the old India House. Happy times.

(14-11-2023, 10:05 PM)Mr.Magoo Wrote:  Ian Dench was also in Apple Mosaic along with a bunch of other Old Cryptonians. I used to share a practice room with them back in the day above the old India House. Happy times.
I used to work with a chap called, I think, Bill Blair who played keyboards for them.  Must have been mid 1980s.

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