The basketball is a fully professional league … with games backed by Sky Sports, with full Internationals on our team from Great Britain, Ireland and Canada … our headline sponsor is Metro Bank plc … I’m not sure how many league one and Championship teams have blue chip sponsors such as Metro Bank …
We have play off hopes this season and we’d love to qualify for Europe (not the Champions League and football terms the Europa league).
As this is very new our crowds are low, couple of hundred … but we had viewers across Europe and cross the pond watching our league stream for the Cardiff game. We’ve a couple of options to expand, but that’s pointless if we don’t have bums on seats.
I just wanted to show the difference and hopefully get people to understand the level we play at. So nope, no local girls from the football team play for the queens
I had a question about money from the football club to the basketball the other day … just to 100% confirm that’s impossibility and in truth … the basketball dwarfs the football in all areas. From income, to sponsorship to league status. So the concern should be the other way around … but it won’t get moved either which way.
Thanks folks for taking an interest